
AspEdit manual      Airway dialog box


Add a new segment to an airway, optionally specify the width of the airway segment.


  1. Open / create an area via the list,
  2. This will open the Area dialog box,
  3. Make sure that "Airway" is selected in the Type field,
  4. Use the add or insert buttons to create a new segment, or double click on a line in the list to edit a line.


  • Waypoints and navaids must have been created before, see Aiways, Navaids / waypoints.
  • Both navaids and waypoints will be included in the list.
  • "Filter" allows to limit the number of fixes in the list.  All fixes with the filter string occurring anywhere in their name will be listed.
  • A width and a fix can be given at the same time.  The width will be applied from the previous fix onward, so the width needs to be given only when it changes.
  • The width is the total width (not the distance from the centerline).
  • The units for the width are as specified in the area dialog box.
  • The first line of the airway must be the width. Accomplish this by including a width in the definition of the first fix.
  • You can add subtract shapes via the "Add shapes" button.  The Add shape dialog box will open. Use this function to limit the airway to an area outside an airspace area, or inside a country.